2  rtemis in 60 seconds

2.1 Load rtemis


2.2 Regression

For regression, the outcome must be continuous

x <- rnormmat(500, 50, seed = 2019)
w <- rnorm(50)
y <- x %*% w + rnorm(500)
dat <- data.frame(x, y)
res <- resample(dat)
02-23-24 13:55:08 Input contains more than one columns; will stratify on last [resample]
.:Resampling Parameters
    n.resamples: 10 
      resampler: strat.sub 
   stratify.var: y 
        train.p: 0.75 
   strat.n.bins: 4 
02-23-24 13:55:08 Created 10 stratified subsamples [resample]

dat.train <- dat[res$Subsample_1, ]
dat.test <- dat[-res$Subsample_1, ]

2.2.1 Check Data

  x: A data.table with 500 rows and 50 columns

  Data types
  * 50 numeric features
  * 0 integer features
  * 0 factors
  * 0 character features
  * 0 date features

  * 0 constant features
  * 0 duplicate cases
  * 0 missing values

  * Everything looks good 

2.2.2 Single Model

mod <- s_GLM(dat.train, dat.test)
02-23-24 13:55:08 Hello, egenn [s_GLM]

.:Regression Input Summary
Training features: 374 x 50 
 Training outcome: 374 x 1 
 Testing features: 126 x 50 
  Testing outcome: 126 x 1 

02-23-24 13:55:08 Training GLM... [s_GLM]

.:GLM Regression Training Summary
    MSE = 1.02 (97.81%)
   RMSE = 1.01 (85.18%)
    MAE = 0.81 (84.62%)
      r = 0.99 (p = 1.3e-310)
   R sq = 0.98

.:GLM Regression Testing Summary
    MSE = 0.98 (97.85%)
   RMSE = 0.99 (85.35%)
    MAE = 0.76 (85.57%)
      r = 0.99 (p = 2.7e-105)
   R sq = 0.98
02-23-24 13:55:08 Completed in 4e-04 minutes (Real: 0.02; User: 0.02; System: 2e-03) [s_GLM]

2.2.3 Crossvalidated Model

mod <- train_cv(dat, mod = "glm")
02-23-24 13:55:08 Hello, egenn [train_cv]

.:Regression Input Summary
Training features: 500 x 50 
 Training outcome: 500 x 1 

02-23-24 13:55:08 Training Ranger Random Forest on 10 stratified subsamples... [train_cv]
02-23-24 13:55:08 Outer resampling plan set to sequential [resLearn]

.:Cross-validated Ranger
Mean MSE of 10 stratified subsamples: 27.48
Mean MSE reduction: 44.11%
02-23-24 13:55:10 Completed in 0.04 minutes (Real: 2.11; User: 11.19; System: 0.23) [train_cv]

Use the describe function to get a summary in (plain) English:

Regression was performed using Ranger Random Forest. Model generalizability was assessed using 10 stratified subsamples. The mean R-squared across all testing set resamples was 0.44.

2.3 Classification

For classification the outcome must be a factor. In the case of binary classification, the first level should be the “positive” class.

2.3.1 Check Data

data(Sonar, package = 'mlbench')
  Sonar: A data.table with 208 rows and 61 columns

  Data types
  * 60 numeric features
  * 0 integer features
  * 1 factor, which is not ordered
  * 0 character features
  * 0 date features

  * 0 constant features
  * 0 duplicate cases
  * 0 missing values

  * Everything looks good 
res <- resample(Sonar)
02-23-24 13:55:10 Input contains more than one columns; will stratify on last [resample]
.:Resampling Parameters
    n.resamples: 10 
      resampler: strat.sub 
   stratify.var: y 
        train.p: 0.75 
   strat.n.bins: 4 
02-23-24 13:55:10 Using max n bins possible = 2 [strat.sub]
02-23-24 13:55:10 Created 10 stratified subsamples [resample]

sonar.train <- Sonar[res$Subsample_1, ]
sonar.test <- Sonar[-res$Subsample_1, ]

2.3.2 Single model

mod <- s_Ranger(sonar.train, sonar.test)
02-23-24 13:55:10 Hello, egenn [s_Ranger]

02-23-24 13:55:10 Imbalanced classes: using Inverse Frequency Weighting [prepare_data]

.:Classification Input Summary
Training features: 155 x 60 
 Training outcome: 155 x 1 
 Testing features: 53 x 60 
  Testing outcome: 53 x 1 

   n.trees: 1000 
      mtry: NULL 

02-23-24 13:55:10 Training Random Forest (ranger) Classification with 1000 trees... [s_Ranger]

.:Ranger Classification Training Summary
        Estimated  M   R   
                M  83   0
                R   0  72

      Sensitivity  1      
      Specificity  1      
Balanced Accuracy  1      
              PPV  1      
              NPV  1      
               F1  1      
         Accuracy  1      
              AUC  1      

  Positive Class:  M 

.:Ranger Classification Testing Summary
        Estimated  M   R   
                M  25  11
                R   3  14

      Sensitivity  0.8929 
      Specificity  0.5600 
Balanced Accuracy  0.7264 
              PPV  0.6944 
              NPV  0.8235 
               F1  0.7812 
         Accuracy  0.7358 
              AUC  0.8643 

  Positive Class:  M 
02-23-24 13:55:10 Completed in 3.2e-03 minutes (Real: 0.19; User: 0.27; System: 0.05) [s_Ranger]

2.3.3 Crossvalidated Model

mod <- train_cv(Sonar)
02-23-24 13:55:10 Hello, egenn [train_cv]

.:Classification Input Summary
Training features: 208 x 60 
 Training outcome: 208 x 1 

02-23-24 13:55:10 Training Ranger Random Forest on 10 stratified subsamples... [train_cv]
02-23-24 13:55:10 Outer resampling plan set to sequential [resLearn]

.:Cross-validated Ranger
Mean Balanced Accuracy of 10 stratified subsamples: 0.83
02-23-24 13:55:12 Completed in 0.02 minutes (Real: 1.11; User: 2.06; System: 0.42) [train_cv]

Classification was performed using Ranger Random Forest. Model generalizability was assessed using 10 stratified subsamples. The mean Balanced Accuracy across all testing set resamples was 0.83.

